Welcome to Project Hydrate
Created by Inspector Dave Clarke & Community Safety Officer Ashleigh White from Durham Constabulary, representatives of Durham County Council and Elizabeth Mason, Director of Dynamite Pink Floor Sales Agency.
Durham is a safe, welcoming and inclusive community but as with any city at home or abroad, there are elements of anti-social behaviour and low-level crime. It is our role to pro-actively tackle common problems that can arise within our community and take preventative measures to ensure it remains a safe place. Nightlife is a large sector of our local economy and whilst we love seeing people enjoy themselves the results of excess alcohol consumption can sometimes lead to a less than enjoyable ending.
Freshers induction week for students is a great introduction to Durham Nightlife and those who have recently moved to the area. Bars and clubs welcome 1000’s of new revellers to their sites and host a variety of popular events. However, an increase in footfall can result in an increase in excess intoxication and anti-social behaviour.
Currently there are numerous successful local authority and government schemes in place to help prevent and tackle anti-social behaviour such as Challenge 25 & Refusal of Service that are practiced by the venues. We felt there was need to add to those schemes with a proactive approach by those who are trained and experienced in interacting with intoxicated individuals.
Therefore, we devised Operation Hydrate

About the project

what is operation hydrate?
Operation Hydrate is a new community scheme whereby if a floor sales team member witnesses someone who appears to becoming intoxicated, they will approach them, check they are alright then offer and encourage the individual water to consume water.

how will it help the customer
A person becomes intoxicated when they consume alcohol faster than their liver can process it. By drinking water you will create a diluting effect on the body and decrease the rate of alcohol absorption into the blood stream. This will reduce the effects of excess alcohol consumption on the central nervous system thus reducing the chances of anti-social behaviour.
When under the influence of alcohol your awareness and rational decision-making process becomes impaired; the likelihood is you wouldn’t think to approach the bar to ask for water even though you need it!
Operate Hydrate takes a more proactive approach. It will be conducted by Dynamite Pink staff who are trained and experienced in actively approaching and dealing with intoxicated patrons.
Results show that there is a much higher chance of co-operation from an intoxicated individual in terms of consuming water when approached and suggested to do so by floor sales staff. This is due to their unique specialist skills and that an element of trust has already been established through previous interaction.

floor sales staff

what are floor sales staff?
More commonly known as shot staff! You will find these staff in most late night venues. There are two aspects of the floor sales team member role. The primary aspect is to actively approach and interact with patrons within licensed premises then if customer desires, sell them alcoholic shots (ie tequila rose & jagerbombs).
The secondary aspect is to observe and monitor the welfare and safety of the patrons. Floor sales staff are the only staff within a venue who are mobile and pro-actively engaging with the public. They are most likely to be the first people to witness any form of illegal or anti-social behaviour. IE drugs, violence, drunken vulnerability. Upon witnessing any form of activity that compromises the objectives of the licensing act, staff immediately report their suspicions and observations to the doorstaff for them to act upon. This helps to enforce a safe environment for revellers to enjoy themselves in.

why are floor sales staff conducting this?
Floor sales staff are far more likely to spot the need for this this than any other profession. Door & bar staff tend to only work within fixed designated areas whereas as floor sales staff have no restrictions in where they operate.
In areas of reduced foot traffic ie corners or seating areas anti-social behaviour can go unseen. These are prime areas for floor sales staff as they tend to also be quieter allowing for conversation and customer engagement to take place.
It must be noted however free tap water will always be available to anyone who requests it at the bar or the door.

your role

what can you do to help?
If you the customer witnesses anyone suffering from the effects of excess alcohol consumption and are concerned for an individuals’ wellbeing, please don’t ignore it. Raise your concerns with any member of staff who will be happy to help and offer water.
Imagine if that was your friend, child, partner you would want someone to look out for them. Be that person.